Monday 9 May 2016

Social Studies
Today we launched our new units in Social Studies. Grade fours will be studying Early Societies and grade fives will be learning about First Nations and Early Societies.
What is an archaeologist? historian? artifact? What does BCE stand for? CE?

Grade fours make sure you write five questions that you have on any early society.

What does the remainder mean? It is important to read the question carefully to decide what the remainder tells you. Sometimes you may need to add more to your quotient (answer). Sometimes the remainder does not really affect your answer. Sometimes you must split your remainder to get the answer. 

Example 1:
Two classes are going on a hike in Komoka. Parents must drive the students to the starting point. Each car can carry 4 students. There are 53 students in the classes. How many trips must be made to get all the students to the starting point?

 4 I 53
    - 40       10
      12         3
        1       13

To get all the students to the starting point you must make 14 trips. The remainder tells you to add 1 to the answer because you need one more car trip to get the remaining student to the starting point.

Example 2:

4 students want to share  53 strings of licorice. They want to eat it all up. How many strings of licorice does each student get?

You must divide the remainder into 4 to share the licorice fairly. So each student will eat 13 1/4 pieces of licorice.

Example 3:

4 students want to share 53 jellybeans equally. How many will each student get? 
Each student will get 13 (you can't split a jelly bean into four parts).

Please work on your review sheets for the upcoming test this week.
We will have another mixed multiplication facts quiz tomorrow. KEEP STUDYING!

Here is the grade 4 page for those of you who do not have a textbook:

Track and Field
Everyone in the class is participating in Track and Field this year at TD Waterhouse. HOORAY!

End of the Year Trip
Thank you to all parents that have volunteered to accompany us to the ROM. We have enough parents to ride on the bus. Any other parents wishing to come along, are welcome to drive in their own personal vehicles.