Friday 6 May 2016

Class Trips
Lots of excitement about our end of the year trip to Toronto. There is a mistake on the letter. The date of the trip is TUESDAY, JUNE 21ST (not Thursday). My apologies. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. 

The grade 5 students will also be attending a "Pow-Wow" with the primary students at the beginning of June. This links nicely with the upcoming unit on First Nations.

Once again we celebrated a beautiful liturgy with Father John. The theme of Catholic Education Week was "Opening Doors of Mercy". Father John spoke about ways that we can show mercy. Do you remember some of the ideas we talked about in class? The suggestions Father shared during mass? The logo for the Jubilee Year of Mercy is very unique. What is different about the symbol below? What do you think it represents?

Multiplying decimal tenths and hundredths by 10 and 100 was fairly easy.

56.8 x 10 = ?

If we ignore the decimal, we know that 56 x 10 = 560 and 57 x 10 = 570, so 56.8 x 10 must be somewhere between 560 and 570.
56.8 x 10 =568 

  • When multiplying a decimal by 10, move the decimal one place value to the right
  • When multiplying a decimal by 100, you move the decimal two place values to the right.

Dividing is the opposite. The decimal moves to the left.

Think about this question:

Next week we will have three mixed multiplication fact quizzes and a test on multiplication and division on Wednesday. We will reviewing next week.