Tuesday 10 May 2016

Social Studies
Grade 5
What do you know about First Nations? What questions do you have?
Grade 4
How do archaeologists determine the age of an artifact? 
What artifact might a person find 2000 years from now? What would it say about you? Make sure you expand your answers.

Complete review booklet for tomorrow.
Use your study guide to review all the skills we have taken in this unit on multiplication and division. If you can answer all the problems on the back, you should be ready for your test. Some of you are still struggling with your multiplication facts. If you do not know your basic facts, more complex multiplication and division is almost impossible. Keep studying your facts. We will have two more mixed multiplication quizzes. The first test will be on Friday. We need a few more days to review.

Today we prayed the Glorious Mysteries with the other classes. Don't forget to make some time for prayer every day. You can also read your New Testament!

We also talked about the Feast of the Ascension. What happened on this day? Where did Jesus go? What did He promise his disciples?

What do you think will happen with the vinegar and pennies?