Wednesday 11 May 2016

6 students have completed a good copy of their inanimate object story. Only 21 more to go! Remember to paragraph your story. Play the movie in your head. If you (as the object):

  • do something different
  • skip to a new place
  • skip to a new time
  • a new person begins to speak

 you must start a new paragraph.

Multiplying decimals times whole numbers is a snap! Just use the related fact then add the decimal. If you are multiplying tenths, one decimal place; multiplying hundredths, two decimal places. You must use the same rules for multiplying (expanded form, algorithm).

Continue to review by correcting exercises in your math notebook and using the study guide. First test on multiplication and division is on Friday. CONTINUE TO STUDY YOUR MATH FACTS.
The trees that you planted are going to be beautiful. Do you remember what type of tree you planted? You did a fantastic job! Grade fives did amazing despite having to dig through all the clay. If it hasn't rained by the end of the week and you live in the neighbourhood, please consider giving your tree and the trees you planted earlier some water.