Monday 25 April 2016

Everyone has finished the first writing task, a day as an inanimate objects. Tomorrow you will work with a partner to revise your work. 

You revise the ideas and words. A
dd details, transition words, descriptive words
Add a literary device
Vary the sentence length or type (simple, complex, compound)
Show don't tell emotions

Some of you have finished your letter to Mother Earth. I will give you feedback for that writing assignment.

One word to sum up the gospel reading for today?

Tomorrow we will use a collaborative learning strategy called "talking chips" to share your ideas on how we show love.

Grade 4: Today we related division and multiplication. Multiplication is repeated addition and division is repeated subtraction. We also learned using arrays to find the family of facts. Make sure both pages of math are completed.

Grade 5: Today we used estimation to determine whether a calculated problem is reasonable. Remember to use the related fact family when multiplying by multiples of 10. Read problems carefully to make sure you understand the meaning of the numbers given in the questions and the product or quotient.

We also talked about using tree diagrams to find all possible combinations. For example:
Cupcakes can be make with the following options for a bake sale:
Flavour: chocolate, vanilla, confetti
Icing: chocolate, vanilla
Toppings: Smarties, sprinkles, gummy bears

What are all the possible cupcakes that we can make? Use a tree diagram.

Please practice your multiplication facts. Some of you have flashcards to practice, others have a multiplication bag with games.