Thursday 21 April 2016

Track and Field
We managed to get through three rotations today before it rained. It was wonderful to hear the excitement in your voices about your accomplishments. We will try to finish off try-outs tomorrow, so make sure you dress appropriately. It was a little cool today so remember to bring a sweatshirt and/or sweatpants.

Grade fours, we looked into the meaning of division. We can look at division two ways, as a sharing problem or grouping problem. Drawing a picture helps you understand the two meanings of division. Solve the problems below:

If I have 36 Smarties and I have 9 cupcakes. How many Smarties should I put on each cupcake?
What is the division equation (sentence)?

I have 36 Smarties and I want to put 6 Smarties on each cupcake. How many cupcakes can I make?
What is the division equation (sentence)?

Please complete questions on using repeated subtraction to divide.

Grade fives, we looked at using arrays to multiply by multiples of 10. For example we can show 30 x 60 using 100s blocks.

You can also use the related fact (6 hundreds x 3 hundreds = 18 hundreds or 1800)

Please complete questions on using repeated subtraction to divide from the grade 4 textbook.

Family Life
Please complete your Coat of Arms for tomorrow. Use pencil crayons only.

Canned food and plastic bags.