Wednesday 20 April 2016

Some of you have finished your first draft of your inanimate object story. We will have one more day to work on the writing. Then we'll be revising and looking at a few more literary devices. Share with a parent the lead that you used in your story:
We also listened to a book called "Dear Children of the Earth". What was the message of the book? In what text form was the book written? Think about what your will include in the letter. The success criteria is outlined below:

Please share with a parent the different ways we learned to divide today.

More practice:
You should understand that heat is absorbed when matter is changed from a solid to a liquid. The heat causes the molecules to move around so the bonds become less strong and the volume increases. Solids contract when heat is removed and expand when heat is added.
What would happen to the wires in the picture below if they absorbed heat? Let out heat?

Tomorrow is track and field try-outs. Please dress appropriately for the weather.
Continue to bring in plastic bags and canned goods.