Tuesday 19 April 2016

Amazing job planting trees this morning! I didn't expect we'd be planting so many. Do you remember the types of trees we planted and why?
Remember to keep on eye on your tree. Measure the height every few weeks to check if it's growing. Consider your trees your legacy to St. Nicholas.

If you didn't get your tests signed, please make sure they are corrected, signed and returned. Check over you test carefully to make sure I didn't make a mistake. If you don't understand your grade, don't be shy. Come and see me!

If you didn't watch the video from last night, please watch it again.


Simple math game to practice division:

Describe the results of the last investigation to your parent. What do you know about heat absorption and changes of state? What is happening to the molecules when heat is absorbed? What are the molecules doing when heat is given off?

Keep bringing in canned food and plastic bags!