Today we continued with 4-digit addition with regrouping (pencil and paper).
Grade fours you need to know how to add two 4-digit numbers.
Grade fives you need to know how to add three 4-digit numbers.
Remember, the first step in our problem solving model is UNDERSTAND. Read the question carefully, pay attention to key words that tell you what to do.
Make sure you include a sentence answering the question in the word problem. Use ESTIMATION to check if your answer is reasonable.
Always use the example problems in your text as a guide to complete homework questions.
Extra practice grade 4:
Extra practice grade 5:
We have three more weeks left with Lexia. Please spend some time each day on Lexia.
Today we talked about Mardi Gras. What is the meaning of the word? How do they celebrate Mardi Gras in different places around the world? When is Mardi Gras? Why was it celebrated historically? Your masks are looking amazing. Bring in any extra things you'd like to add that you have at home. They look pretty spectacular without any extras!
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parents, if you did not get the opportunity to meet with me on Thursday, please let me know a convenient time to call or meet to discuss your child's progress. It was wonderful to meet with everyone on Thursday. Thank you again for your support!
Upcoming Events:
Pancake Tuesday: February 9th (two pancakes for each student at 9:00 am)
Ash Wednesday Mass: February 10th @ 9:30 St. George Church
Tubing: February 11th St. Mary's all day