Tuesday 2 February 2016

Lots of legal terms today in our novel Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang

  • barrister
  • plead insanity
  • extenuating circumstances
  • change of venue
  • mistrial

Looking forward to seeing your sketches of Mr. Cooper the greengrocer.

Today we began our unit on Addition and Subtraction. The focus of the unit is mental strategies, estimating and problem solving. Show a parent how you can find the sums below adding from left to right and from right to left. The how to add is not slowing some students down, it's the basic addition facts. You should know your addition facts to twenty by heart. You should not be counting on your fingers.
Grade fours shared solutions to word problems, while grade fives should have corrected your Skills Bank. Tomorrow grade fours will correct Skills Bank and grade fives will share solutions to word problems.

We have two grades in the classroom. Sometimes it is necessary for me to work with one grade. It is the responsibility of the other grade to work quietly and respectfully WITHOUT TEACHER SUPERVISION.

Today we read another story from the Book of Acts, the Man from Ethiopia. Please make sure to work on your Bit Strip comic that outlines the main events from the story:

  • Philip sees the man in the chariot reading from Isaiah
  • Philip asks the man if he understands
  • The man asks Philip to explain the scriptures
  • The man believes and asks to be baptized
Please submit your comic when it is complete. Start the comic as an assignment, or else you will not be able to submit it to me. Due next Tuesday.

Finish colouring your circle of people.

Please continue reading with Lexia each evening. 

  • If your parent is able to supervise on our trip tubing, please have them write a note in your agenda.
  • If your parent is able to help make pancakes next Tuesday, please let me know.
  • Healthy Living Posters (eating a rainbow of food) should be finished by Thursday. Bring in a memory stick to finish it at home.
Create a poster that describes the importance of eating a rainbow of whole food
Your poster should include:
  • 5 Fresh food of each colour (red, blue/purple, green, orange/yellow, white/brown) 
  • Nutrients that these foods give
  • Health benefits of eating food
  • It should be colourful, creative and the messages should be easy to read 
Example of one food on poster
Helps the body's circulatory system deliver 
oxygen to the brain