Congratulations to students who have advanced a level in Lexia. I'm so impressed. I will be showing your results to your parents during interviews. Please make sure you are completing this at home by yourself.
Jacob Two-Two
Who would have thought that running an errand to get tomatoes could be so terrifying! Some challenging vocabulary to use in original sentences. Watch the links below to review the three types of sentences.
Do you remember the name of the literary device Mordecai Richler used to describe the greengrocer?
Review of parts of speech:
Some simple games to review types of speech:
Today you worked with a partner to solve a word problem. We will be sharing the solutions tomorrow.
Please complete Skills Bank for tomorrow. I will be marking it to make sure you are ready for a test.
Where? By whom? and to whom was the message of Jesus carried? Can you find the place you read about in the Acts of the Apostles on the map?