Saturday 28 November 2015

The numeracy assessment was very difficult for some students. I will be reviewing / going over each question on Monday with the grade fours and on Tuesday with the grade fives.

The grade ones led us in a wonderful service for the first week of Advent. Father John blessed the wreaths and discussed what we are called to do during this Advent season. We are called to prepare for the coming of Jesus, past, present and future. We commemorate His birth over 2000 years ago, open Him in our hearts today and prepare for His coming again in the future. The video below is a nice snapshot of what Advent is and what it isn't.

Christmas Concert
Some amazing singing and drum playing today. A special congratulations to our soloists. It takes a lot of courage to sing by yourself in front of an audience. Remember the concert is on Tuesday, December 1st, St. George Church. Please be at the church by 5:45 pm.

Make sure you read one fiction and one non-fiction book on Raz-Kids this weekend and complete the quizzes.

Note to Parents:
Please try to check your child's homework on a daily basis. If you see a spelling mistakes or computational error, ask them to correct it. If your child is struggling with homework, let me know. I am often around after school and would be happy to provide extra assistance. Often times it is a small misconception.
If your child consistently does not understand homework and cannot discuss ideas introduced at school using the blog as a guide, then please contact me to arrange a meeting.
We have many special activities planned for the students over the next three weeks. However, we still have much to learn. Christmas holidays begin on December 18th.
Thank you for your support.