Thursday 26 November 2015

Today we began applying the skills and devices we have been practicing this week. In you story, you should show instead of telling how your character feels and you should be using dialogue to tell a bit about your character's personality and move the story along. During the mini-lesson you were learning the skill. In your story you are apply the skill.

The Garage Sale Mystery.... Chapter 3. Were you surprised? The clues are pointing toward which suspect or suspects? Will Cassie and Connor solve the mystery? Stay tuned for the last chapter.

Today we read like a writer and noticed how the author narrowed her focus. This entire story is about what? Everything the characters do are related to that one idea.

Social Studies
Lots of good discussion today on the responsibilities of local governments. The big idea to remember for all levels of government is that they make decisions that are for the common good. It may not be the best decision for everyone, but it is the best for most people.

The laws made a local level are called BYLAWS. Share with a parent the Mississauga bylaw about feeding squirrels. Our local bylaw about shoveling your sidewalk.

What reasons did your group come up with for your bylaw?

The services that local governments provide include:
Safety and Protection
Arts and Culture
Social Services

Do you remember an example of each?

Tomorrow we will talk about the ways that local governments pay for the services they provide. Most of you intuitively knew that TAXES were involved! 

Both grades are learning about pictographs. The most challenging part of constructing a pictograph is determining the scale. How much will each symbol represent? How much will half a symbol represent? A quarter of a symbol?

Tomorrow we have our last assessment for math. It will be the Chapter Task at the end of the Numeracy Unit. Please review using the textbook and the information posted on the blog on Monday.

Most students studied hard for their test. Please complete the next steps page with a parent. For any category on the test that received less than 3 the questions should be redone on the sheet attached to your test.


  • If possible, please bring in new toys for our Christmas campaign. If you are out shopping with your parents, consider picking up a toy for a child your age whose family cannot afford to buy gifts. 
  • Canned food are also part of our Christmas campaign. 
  • Our Christmas Concert is next Tuesday @ St. George Church @ 6:00 pm. Please be there 15 minutes early.