Monday 30 November 2015

Today we reviewed the expectation when answering open-ended or APE style questions.This was the shared answer for "Just Walk Away" commercial.

I think the message of the commercial is you should walk away when someone is bullying you.

In the commercial it showed a bully saying mean things to nobody. This shows that if everyone walks away bullies will have no one to bully and they will look silly.

The narrator in the commercial said, "Bullies are not bigger than all of us." If we all stood up to a bully, he or she wouldn't have the power to bully us anymore.

This response shows knowledge of both the explicit and implicit messages. Walk away or don't engage a bully and the power of the bystander.

Tonight, watch the video below with a parent. What do you think the message of the song is? Write that near the top of the page with the lyrics. That is the ANSWER part. Then highlight parts of the song that you think support this message. On the back, write actions from the video (words on cards in the video) that further support this message. This is all part of your PROOF
Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow. 

"Do Something" by Matthew West

Happy New Year! Explain to a parent why we had these words on the Smart Board today. Do you remember the meaning of the parts of the Advent wreath? Advent is a time where we get ready for a special visitor. Who is that visitor? 
The gospel reading was a little scary.... what was it telling us to prepare for? When will Jesus come again?

Both grades did a great job constructing broken line graphs. Tomorrow we will look at TRENDS (increasing, decreasing, stays the same)  on the graphs you constructed.

Grade 4 conducted an experiment and organized and recorded their data. Did you roll at least one 5 most of the time or did you not roll 5? We are going to gather everyone's data and construct a bar graph. Each pair rolled 50 times and we have 16 students in grade 4, so how many total rolls were there today? Deciding on a scale that is best for larger data it a little bit more challenging. 

Social Studies
Today we talked about bylaws and budgets. What is a bylaw? What is a budget? Where does council get the money for their budget? You should know 5 different sources.

Christmas Concert tomorrow @ 5:45 at St. George Church
Bring in a toy for a child in need
Bring in canned food
Students who wished to rewrite the Science test, please see me some time tomorrow.