Tuesday 1 December 2015

Excellent job sharing and discussing the message of the song "Do Something."  On your organizer you should have the A /P and ideas of E. Your challenge tonight is to take all that information and organize it into an APE style. Use the examples in your notebook and on the blog as a guide. Underline the parts of your answer that correspond to the A (red), P (green) and E (blue).

Today we read the story "Melissa's Hope". Why was Melissa so excited about the Advent project her class was doing? What was Melissa's hope?

For tomorrow.... think about how you can bring the Light of Christ to others during this Advent season. Try to come up with at least three ways.

Grade 5: Most of you are constructing broken line graphs very accurately. Don't forget the title of the grade and the labels on the vertical and horizontal axis. When your discussing trends, remember to include the months that the data is increasing or decreasing and what exactly is increasing, decreasing or staying the same i.e. precipitation, temperature.

Grade 4: Today you constructed two bar graphs about our investigation on rolling or not rolling 5. Tonight your investigation is rolling dice, adding the numbers and tracking whether the sum is less than five or five or greater on a tally chart. If you borrow dice, please return them tomorrow.

Today we were honored to have Leroy Hibbert come into our classroom to speak about differences in cultures and how we should treat others. What is your culture? He had many wonderful and heart-breaking stories to tell us, but his message was one of respect and tolerance. God made each and everyone of us and He doesn't make mistakes. If we see racism his advice is to: recognize or acknowledge it; respond to it; discuss it; and stop it.

Do you remember the most popular pet is in China? Japan? Brazil? Mexico? United States? Russia? Australia?

The Christmas Concert is tonight at St. George Parish. Wear red and green or festive  colours with no logos. All attire should be appropriate for church. A Santa cap may be worn for the second song.