Everyone worked very hard to complete their summary. The sticky notes seemed to help a lot of you organize your ideas.
Most of you finished your assessment question. Remember to keep your work organized. Some of you are still have difficulty with rounding. Remember to draw your number lines with the end points of the place you are rounding to and the middle point to figure out which 1000, 100 or 10 it is closest to. Use the examples in the textbook as a guide. Take your notebook home even if your work is complete and have it checked and signed by an adult.
Learning Skills
Today we talked about COLLABORATION, the learning goal and success criteria. How did your group work? Remember honesty is the best path to success!
Student Led Conferences
Today you started to look closely at all the work you will share with your parent(s). Remember, it's all about the learning skills, not achievement. Making mistakes, learning from them and setting goals... that's learning!