Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Today we reviewed the characteristics of a narrative and wrote examples of each using "Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street". Share with your parents the story of "The Frog Chef". What is a fractured fairy tale?
So far we have discussed three before reading strategies:

  • Setting a Purpose
  • Predicting
  • Activating Your Schema

What is your schema? Why is it important to activate it before you read? How do you activate it?

Grade 4: Make sure you can create and describe the five different types of number patterns. Create of few for your parents and ask them to find the pattern rule.

  • Increasing by the same amount
  • Increasing by different amounts
  • Decreasing by the same amount
  • Decreasing by different amounts
  • Repeating patterns
Don't forget the proper way to write the pattern rule so that it describes one specific pattern.
Start at........then.........each time.

Grade 5: A VERY TRICKY but cool problem solving strategy that started with seeds on a strawberry!
Step 1; Find the sum of each pair (first + last)
Step 2: Find the total number of rows or numbers
Step 3: Find the number of pairs.
Step 4: Multiply the sum of each pair x the number of pairs.

Find the sum of the following numbers
1 + 2 + 3 + 4....................................38 + 39 + 40

Step 1: 1 + 40 = 41 (2 + 39 = 41 so you know you have the correct sum)
Step 2: Total numbers is 40
Step 3: Number of pairs is 20
Step 4: Sum = 41 x 20 which is.....820

Learning Skills
Today we began our discussion on the brain. Everyone activated their schema and drew then described their understanding of the brain.
Watch the video with a parent. What was the message?