Most students have two sub-topics or two panels done of their research. You must be finished by the end of the week. You may stay after school on Thursday or Friday to work on your book or brochure. Four grade five students have completed their brochures... BRAVO!
Tomorrow we will talk about writing an introduction and conclusion.
Everyone seemed to have a good understanding of algebraic expressions and equations. What is a variable? What do we usually use to represent a variable? Please make sure you finish page 1, 3 and the first three questions on page 2 for homework. Tomorrow there will be short quiz on translations, reflections, coordinates and simple rotations.
Today we discussed the short and long-term effects of smoking and the dangers of second hand smoke. We also talked a little bit about some the reasons young people start smoking. Do you remember them? Your final health assignment will be a drama activity. You will present your knowledge of the health effects of smoking using a talk show format.
We also touched on the other components of a cigarette..... still think smoking is cool?

Grade 5 you should be finished researching the short and long-term effects of alcohol and the factors that affect intoxication. You will also be presenting your knowledge using a talk show format.
Family Life
Today we chatted about what happens when the baby is ready to be born and the reflexes the baby has after he or she is born. We also discussed some of the characteristics of the fourth stage of life, adolescence. Feel free to ask questions throughout the next week. Thank you to Mr. D'Oria's grade fours for sharing and learning with us.