Tuesday 24 May 2016

Social Studies

  • What is a natural resource?
  • What natural resources do we have in Canada? Ontario?
  • What natural resources were available to the people of Judea and Ancient Rome?
  • What natural resources were available to the First Nations people of Eastern Canada?

No matter which early society you read about or study, using the gifts of the earth wisely was important to survival. Why?

It is important that both grades are able to compare life long ago to life today.

  • Grade 5, make sure you have formulated your research questions relating to how the First Nations people used the natural environment for tools, weapons, medicine or transportation.
  • Grade 4, make sure you know the different natural resources we have in the different regions of Canada. 
What is a pentomino? Were you able to make all the pentominoes below?

What is the relationship between the difference between the length and width of a rectangle and the area? perimeter?

If you wanted to build a table with the most area, would you build a narrow rectangle or a square?
If you wanted to fit the most people around the outside and had two tables with the same area, would you pick a narrow rectangle or square?
Can you find the length and width of a rectangle if you know the area and perimeter?

Try this:
A rectangular garden has an area of 40 square metres and a perimeter of 28 metres. What are the length and width of the garden?

Keep working on your Power Point. You will have to share whatever you have done at the end of the week. If you do not have Microsoft Power Point at home, there is an on-line student version available on Office 365.

Family Life
Sometimes friendship can be tough. What should you always remember when you become very angry or hurt by a friend?

Please submit permission forms for:
  • Track and Field
  • Pow Wow
  • End of the year trip to the ROM