Tuesday 22 March 2016

Today we reflected on the first five stations of the cross. Please view them again with your parent and think about the questions the narrator asks.


We continued practicing using multiple units of length. I can tell that many of you practiced. Bravo!
Memorize the metric number line to help you change from one unit to another.

Tomorrow we will be investigating the properties of the different states of matter: solids, liquids and gases.
Each group discussed different materials to bring for investigation.
Solids - block, marble, Lego, toy, Playdoh, elastic, paper clip, rice
Liquid - water, juice, shampoo, dish soap, syrup, honey (air tight containers)
Gas - balloon, Ziploc bag (trap air)

You will be looking at different properties such as hardness, flexibility, colour, mass or volume.

Your Bit Strip assignment has been posted. Please begin working on it at home.

Next Tuesday our class will be leading the school mass at St. Nicholas. If you were given a reading part, please practice it until you can read it smoothly, loudly and without errors.