Monday 21 March 2016

Sunday marked the first day of Holy Week. Sunday of Holy Week is called Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday. Today we watched the Passion of Christ according to the John. It was very difficult to watch at times. It was a painful reminder of just how much Jesus suffered for us. 
We also discussed the events that occur in the London Diocese on Holy Monday. At what church in London is the Chrism Mass celebrated? Who celebrates the mass? Who is there? What happens at this mass? What are the names of the three holy oils? What are they used for?
What do each of the letters about stand for?

Read the information below:

There are three kinds of sacred oils, all of which signify the work of the Holy Spirit and symbolize it in that oil "serves to sweeten, to strengthen, to render supple" The three holy oils are: 
  • The Oil of Catechumens ("Oleum Catechumenorum" or "Oleum Sanctum") used in Baptism along with water, in the consecration of churches, in the blessing of Altars, in the ordination of priests, and, sometimes, in the crowning of Catholic kings and queens.
  • The Holy Chrism ("Sanctum Chrisma") or "Oil of Gladness," which is olive oil mixed with a small amount of balm or balsam. It is used in Confirmation, Baptism, in the consecration of a Bishop, the consecration of a various things such as churches, chalices, patens, and bells.
  • The Oil of the Sick ("Oleum Infirmorum"), which is used in Unction
The blessing of oils is performed by the Bishop of each diocese on Maundy Thursday ("Holy Thursday") in the diocese's cathedral during a "Chrism Mass." The oils are kept in metal or glass bottles called "chrismatories," "chrismals," or "ampullae."  These vessels are then stored in a cabinet called an "ambry," which is usually fixed to the wall of the sanctuary. Priests also have a portable "oilstock" which has a section for each of the three holy oils. Lay people are not to handle the holy oils, even to carry them, except in emergencies.

Today we talked about expressing measurements in multiple units. This was very challenging for most students. Try these questions:

Olivia and Paige were having a high jump competition. Both jumped between 1m and 1.5 m. Olivia jumped 8 cm higher than Paige. What are two possible jumps?
Express your answers in cm, m, m and cm (multiple units)

Adrian and Andrew built two Lego castles, both having a length of about 13 cm. Adrian's castle was 16 mm longer than Andrew's. What are two possible lengths?
Express your answer in mm, cm, cm and mm (multiple units).

Today we learned a simple and easy way to SUMMARIZE a chapter of a novel. 
Remember a summary is a short retelling of the main events of a chapter or story.

Today we talked about the process of making paper. Each step is outlined on pages 14 and 15 of your textbook. Think about the negative and positive effects of each step in the paper making process.

Bit Strip Assignment
  • Create a comic strip with two characters discussing the paper making process
  • One character will explain each step
  • The other character will tell the explain the negative effects
  • Include some benefits to the paper industry
  • Please make sure you review the investigation on page 16 for tomorrow. Have a plan in mind.