Wednesday 9 March 2016

Most students have completed their menus. Some students had trouble logging into their e-mail. Do a search using "Office 365" then try to get onto your e-mail from there. Hopefully that works. We'll be using the last few days to complete outstanding work and do some fun activities.

Measuring with millimetres. Lots of fun (and learning) measuring our different body parts in mm, cm and dm. Grade 5, Make sure you complete the few questions for tomorrow and we'll continue with the grade 4 lesson tomorrow. Up next for grade 5 is circumference.

Here's preview

Please make sure you test is signed and your corrections are completed on the yellow paper. If you would like to write another test to bring up your mark, you are welcome to do so once I have seen your corrections. If you are having difficulty with corrections, I'll be available tomorrow after school to help. Play practices are lunch hours and it is important that cast members to not miss rehearsals.

If you are presenting tomorrow (or Friday) make sure you have your lines memorized. Think about bringing in a costume. Use of space and gesture is very important. That's why your lines should be memorized. Do not just stand there if you are not speaking. React to what the speaker is saying.

March Break
Safe travels to students who are going away over the March Break. Bring a book to read or keep a travel log on a personal device (there are many apps) to share with the class when you return.