Mordecai Richer loves words. Share with a parent the meaning of the following words:
espy, hesitated, perfidious, cogitated, haywire, concocted
Identify the part of speech (noun, adjective, verb, adverb)
What is a prefix? suffix? root word?
How do the word parts help us say and understand the meaning of the word?

Start to learn your part for your dramatic reading.
Today we began our new unit on measurement. You must understand how units are related and how to change from one unit to another.
1 cm = 10 mm
1 m = 100 cm
1 m = 1000 mm
Today we discussed different properties of materials. Tomorrow you will be conducting an investigation measuring the ABSORBENCY of cleaning materials. Your group should have designed the investigation making sure you controlled variables and have a method of measuring absorbency. I will give you one sponge and one kind of paper towel used at school. Your group must bring at least three other materials (it can be different types of paper towels, j-cloths, rag etc).