Tuesday 5 January 2016

Most of you have completed your description of your animal and its habitat.
The primary classes will be visiting after morning recess to see your wonderful creations. You should be able to explain the following:
  • Physical description
  • Adaptations
  • Eating habitats (type of consumer)
  • Predators
  • Prey
  • Habitat (living and non-living parts)
  • How the habitat provides the things it needs
  • Location

Data Management Test on Friday
Grade 4:
  • Constructing and interpreting pictographs
  • Choosing a scale for a bar graph and explaining the reason for your choice
  • Range
  • Constructing and interpreting bar graphs with intervals
  • Reading and interpreting bar (horizontal and vertical) graphs, circle graphs, pictographs
  • Making conclusions about data and graphs
  • Constructing and interpreting stem and leaf plots
  • Mode (number that appears most often), median (middle number)

Grade 5:
  • Construct and use broken line graphs to identify trends
  • Interpreting circle graphs(no fractions of a circle)
  • Constructing and interpreting bar graphs with intervals
  • Use whole and part symbols to display data on a pictograph
  • Making conclusions about data and graphs
  • Mean and mode

 Completing Skills Bank and Chapter Review questions are an excellent way to study!

Please complete Day 1 of your Healthy Living Journal. You must record EVERYTHING you eat including butter, oil, condiments etc.
Please use the following link to review the information in Canada's Food Guide. You should understand the health benefits of eating a well-balanced diet. What diseases does it help prevent? What does it provide?

Practice reading your book until you can read it FLUENTLY (just like you speak). Write one question about the information on each page on a sticky note and stick it on the page. DO NOT FORGET YOUR BOOK AT HOME.


Tomorrow is hot chocolate and cookie day (peanut free) for $1.00 or $0.50 for either one.