Today we wrote two descriptive paragraphs about our new animal. Wow, was I ever impressed with the word choice and creativity.

We are wrapping up our unit on Data Management.
- About half of you have finished your computer generated graphs.
- Make sure your review sheets are complete.
- Tomorrow I'll be highlighting some common mistakes with the grade fours.
- We will have a test on the unit on FRIDAY, January 8th.
Making healthy choices is an important part of life. Today we discussed how we should make healthy choices and the definition and purpose of nutrients. Nutrients can be divided into to categories. Do you remember what they are? Here's a link to help out:
Starting tomorrow, you will be keeping track of what you eat and drink for TWO FULL DAYS.
Tomorrow we will be building our habitats. Make sure you have everything at school and you have a PLAN! You should have a good idea of what you want your habitat to look like. You must have permission from a parent to bring in a glue gun. You should be comfortable working with a glue gun if you are thinking about bringing one from home. If you're still not sure how you're going to build your habitat, go on line and look at examples. Type "habitat diorama" into your browser. There are loads of examples made by students.
On Wednesday, we will be hosting a gallery walk for the younger students to showcase our habitats and animals.
Social Studies
Please complete the survey at the front of your test. Get your test signed and return it tomorrow. Many students did quite well. One of the poorest done questions was labelling the provinces and territories. Use the links on Desire to Learn to practice.