Today the grade fours practiced sorting quadrilaterals according to their properties. All students must know the names and properties the quadrilaterals shown below and understand the meanings of the markings. We will continue to practice sorting. Tomorrow each student will take home quadrilaterals to sort using one, two or three properties.
Grade fives constructed different kinds of triangles and named them according to side length and angle size. All students must know the names of the 6 different triangles and be able to measure the side lengths the interior (inside) angles accurately.

Tomorrow we will integrating art and math. Each person will be constructing a shape character (grade 4 quadrilaterals / grade 5 triangles). Feel free to bring materials from home (but it is not necessary). You will have to write what your character would say if he or she could talk (properties: equal sides, parallel sides, right angles, lines of symmetry).

Last day for power point presentations. Remember to face the audience and speak loudly when you present!