Monday 18 January 2016

For some today was again a "catch-up day". In order for a fair assessment to be done of your reading and writing skills, it is important that you complete ALL assignments. Congratulations to students who have worked diligently and are now completing their health living posters and art.

In grade four, measuring angles with a protractor is technically not part of the curriculum, but it is a good skill to know for next year. You must be able to identify an angle as either acute, obtuse, right or straight. You must also be able to use benchmark angles to describe them. Our benchmark angles are 0º, 45º (half a right angle), 90º (right angle), 180º (straight angle).

Using the pattern blocks below, describe the type of angle (acute, right or obtuse) in each shape and describe the angles in terms of benchmark angles. Please finish all shapes for homework using your blue folded paper as benchmark angles.

For example for a rhombus (blue shape):
2 acute angles - less than a right angle but  greater than half a right angle
2 obtuse angles - less than a straight angle but greater than a right angle

Grade fives began constructed triangles. Watch the videos below to review how to construct triangles:

Try these for homework: (ignore all the letters)

1) DRST with mÐR= 85°, RS= 3 cm, RT= 5 cm
2) DUVW with mÐU= 140°, UV= 7 cm, UW= 2 cm
3) DXYZ with mÐX= 65°, mÐY= 40° and XY= 4 cm
4) DLMN with mÐL= 30°, mÐM= 50° and LM= 6 cm
5) DDEF with mÐD= 110°, mÐE= 30° and EF= 5 cm

6) DKPH with mÐK= 40°, mÐP= 80° and PH= 3 cm