Saturday 12 December 2015

Social Studies Test
Please don't memorize all the information in the game. Just be familiar with what each word means. For the test (I'll keep the first test fairly straightforward):

1. Label the provinces, territories and capital cities of Canada on a map.
2. Organization of the Federal and Municipal levels of government (tree diagrams)
3. Roles and responsibilities of ALL THREE LEVELS of government (use the links from past posts)
4. Interpreting information in maps 
5. The different perspectives (opinions) people could have on an issue (e.g. developing farmland for low-income housing) 
6. Steps that are involved before action is taken when an  issue comes to the attention of a municipal council (e.g. building bike lanes vs widening roads)
7. People to know (and their titles): Justin Trudeau, Kate Young, Matt Brown (not Mark oops!), Anna Hopkins, David Johnston, Queen Elizabeth II
8. The role of government: Make decisions that promote the common good

One question on the test will be about an environmental (pollution) issue and another about  social issue (poverty).

You will have to use not only the material we have discussed in Social Studies, but discussions we have had in Religion, Literacy and even Data Management.

This bar shows the percentage of children that live in poverty (are poor) in different cities across Canada. What conclusions can you make? What about London? What steps could the City of London take to help this issue? (More serious than free Christmas parking)

Last month the Prime Minister and leaders from across Canada attended The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, France. Use the link below to find ways that David Suzuki recommends to decrease the amount of carbon (leading cause of global warming) Canada produces. What other ways does he suggest for people to voice their concerns?