Thursday 10 December 2015

Today we wrapped up our unit on Habitats. Make sure you complete the last page from yesterday's handout, how we use plants and animals. Your outline sheet for your habitat project is also due tomorrow.
Social Studies
We will spend a bit more time playing the review game for Social Studies. MANY OF YOU NEED TO STUDY THE PROVINCES, TERRITORIES AND CAPITAL CITIES. You will be asked to label them on a map of Canada on the test.
Use the link below to practice!
What survey did you conduct today? What were the results? What kind of bar graph did you construct on the computer? Our last topic in Data Management will be finding the mean, median and mode and interpreting their meaning.

Remember to always look at what a graphing is telling you. What are three conclusions that you can make from the bar graph above?
  • You will need a baby food jar for the craft next week. If you don't have one, try to pick one up from the grocery store. Baby food apple sauce doesn't taste so bad:)
  • Please ask your parent if they are able to help out on Christmas craft day next Thursday afternoon. Any help would be greatly appreciated.