Wednesday 9 December 2015

Some key habitat words we learned today: community, niche, depletion, extinction, population.
How are a butterfly and a wolf INTERRELATED (depend on each other)?

Use the link below to find information about the habitats and animals in Algonquin Park.

What happened to the woolly mammoth? Why did it become extinct (2 reasons)?
Watch the clip below showing the uncovering of a frozen woolly mammoth in Russia.

Please complete your handout on changing habitats. Get your research sheet signed and start planning your creature and habitat. The next week will be very busy so I've decided to save the diorama portion of your project until the new year. You may bring in the material you have collected. Next Tuesday we will save for creating your new animal and any other living things in your habitat.
Remember you must get your plan checked before constructing.

Both grades worked on bar graphs with intervals. Remember you must use the range to determine the interval. For example, if you had a range of 41, what interval would you use? Always try ten first because it's easy. How many groups of ten are there in 41?  About 4, so that would mean about 4 bars on your graph, which is reasonable.

For the data below, what interval would you use?

I would like to complete Data Management before the Christmas holidays. We will be constructing some graphs on the computer and we will probably have a test next Wednesday, December 16th.

Social Studies
A few review sites and videos for the upcoming test on Tuesday, December 15th. More review activities will be sent home tomorrow.