Friday 4 December 2015

Today you set some Advent goals. What will you try to do this Advent season to bring the light of Christ to others? How will you prepare your heart for the coming of Jesus?

Awesome job linking paper clips. It was harder than you thought! Next we will link elastics and finally take our heart rate. We will use this data to construct two kinds of graphs: stem and leaf plots and bar graphs with intervals.

Excellent job helping your kindergarten buddies write letters to Santa Claus. You gave them just the right amount of support to complete this task.

The Advent candles look wonderful. On Monday we will attach the candles to our Advent goals and display them proudly on the window for everyone to see inside and outside the school! Don't forget Monday is the last day of our canned food and toy drive.

It is important that every Friday you read at least one book on Raz-kids and complete one quiz. Your Power Points look amazing. The transitions and animations are very captivating. Remember to put the research in your own words.

On Monday, a checklist will be put in your agenda showing any assignments that you have not completed this term. I will be available some days this week to stay after school. You have until the end of the week to get caught up.

The last assignment in Habitats is to create your own animal or plant. This living thing must have adaptations and physical characteristics to live in a real habitat somewhere on Earth. You can combine two animals, but the result must be something that could actually survive. No mythical creatures. You will construct a model of your animal or plant using clay or plasticine or any other suitable material. You will then construct its habitat using a box no bigger than a shoe box. Start thinking about your new animal. Start collecting material for your habitat. THIS WILL BE COMPLETED AT SCHOOL, BUT MATERIAL MUST BE BROUGHT FROM HOME. If you are stuck and don't know what to do, come see me for suggestions.
Stay outline will be given out next week with a few more details.