Tuesday 8 December 2015

If you did not finish your story draft and revisions in your Writing notebook, please make sure you complete them this evening. 

Today we continued our talk about how humans affect habitats. We talked about the Yanomani people of South America. How was their habitat affected? Sometimes we forget that when humans destroy habitats, not only are the plants and animals affected, but the people as well.

What happened in Sudbury? Why?  What did the people of Sudbury do about it?

We also discussed what can happen to a habitat when new species are introduced and when species are lost.
What happened in Australia?

What happened in Newfoundland?

In order for animals to coexist (live together) there must be enough food and shelter.
What is special about the wildebeests, zebras and gazelles living on the African savanna.

In grade 4 we continued with stem and leaf plots. We also talked about organizing data into intervals. Tomorrow we will create a bar graph with intervals.

Excellent job grade 5 collecting data about the heights of students in different classrooms. Your data should have been organized into a stem and leaf plot and a bar graph with intervals.

Both grades make sure you understand and are able to find the RANGE of your data. It tells you how SPREAD OUT the data is. 

Today we prayed the Joyful Mysteries. Do you remember what they are?