Tuesday 15 December 2015

Dear Parents:

Today we completed our test on Canadian Government. There were some smiles and some tears. 

The first part of the test was match-up. People to titles, provinces to capitals and labeling provinces and territories on a map of Canada. Most students had very little difficulty completing this, however, some student who did not study made many errors. This is easy to rectify .... use the link below (which has been on the blog several times) to practice.
There is also a game on Desire to Learn in the grade 4 carousel under Social Studies.

For the rest of the test, the students were allowed to use their textbook. Questions such as the levels of government, the names of the political parties and the responsibilities of each level of government could be done using the textbook.
There were two critical thinking questions on the test. They were discussed at length yesterday and posted on the blog this past weekend. Asking these kinds of questions is a method to assess the true level of understanding of ideas and concepts. There were enough basic questions that with daily review and studying, a level 3 was easily attainable on the test.

Our grade 4/5 blog is a TEACHING BLOG. It is not merely a place to check what special events are coming up. Important information, strategies and review questions are posted to help students with understanding and give them extra practice. 

Thank you for your support,

Mrs. Hollis

Today most of you built your animal for your habitat project. We'll finish off tomorrow if necessary and keep them hibernating in a safe spot over the holidays. We will build our habitats on the Tuesday back from holidays. If you did not bring in any materials to complete your animal and habitat, BRING THEM IN TOMORROW!

I was hoping to wrap up our unit on Data Management, but after answering some of your questions, we still need to do a bit more review. We'll continue with Data Management in the new year so...... NO TEST TOMORROW!

We will be finishing our crafts and watching a movie on Thursday. If you would like to wear your pajamas instead of red and green, you are more than welcome. Make sure you bring your toonie to support the Syrian refugees. 
Parents that are able to volunteer are welcome to come in the morning or the afternoon. We will be doing crafts all day long. Many, many thanks!