Thursday 2 June 2016

Many students had difficulties finding the possible dimensions of rectangles with the same area or perimeter. Using an organized list was the strategy presented in the book and practiced in class. Understanding the relationship between the length and width of a rectangle and the perimeter and area was extremely important to solving these problems. 
If you are trying to find all the rectangles with the same area, think of all the family of facts for that number. They will be the lengths and widths. Why.... because area is length x width. 
If you are given the perimeter, divide it in half and think of all the addition facts for that number. Why.... because perimeter is (length + width) x 2.

Perimeter video:
Area video:
Don't worry about the area of a triangle (unless you're interested!) Some of the units are American, but the thinking is the same.

We also discussed equivalent fractions. You should understand how to use your fraction strip.

Social Studies
Early Societies
How were the roles of men, women and children different in Ancient Rome and Judea? Are they different from today? How was education different? What rights do you think everybody should have that slaves in Ancient Rome and Judea did not?

According to the United Nations Human Declaration of Rights everybody entitled to.....
(watch the video to find out)

First Nations:
What are petroglyphs? What did the First Nations peoples carve on the petroglyphs? Why?
What is an alliance? Ally?
What were the three most common reasons for conflict between First Nations?
What are Wampum belts?

One of the most famous Wampum belts is the Hiawatha. It describes the alliance between which First Nations?

What were the advantages of alliances / confederacies between First Nations?

Watch the video for uses of Wampum and the Hiawatha Wampum .....

Pow Wow tomorrow. Pack a lunch with plenty of snacks and fluids to drink. We return at about 2:00 pm. Students will receive their hot lunches when they return. It's a good idea to pack a lunch anyways because you'll probably be hungry.

Off-Uniform for $2.00. All money will be given to the St. Vincent dePaul Society. We are still collecting gently used clothes. 

Great start to your research.