Monday 2 May 2016

Education Week
Today marks the beginning of Education Week. The theme of Education Week is "Opening Doors of Mercy." This fits wonderfully with Pope Francis' declaration of this year being "A Jubilee of Mercy".
For tomorrow.... think about the meaning of "mercy". Where have you heard that word? Watch the video below to prepare:

Today we solved some very simple word problems. The purpose of the group activity was to identify the correct operation to solve the problem and understanding the meaning of each number. Here are a few more:
Don't forget to study your seven times table (the most difficult)!

Today we watched a phenomenal performance of Aladdin. If you haven't already bought your tickets, there are still some available. I wonder what will happen in Act 2? Can't wait to see it on Wednesday night. Congratulations to all cast members on a job well done!