Tuesday 12 April 2016

Today we started writing outlines for our "A Day in the Life of...." an inanimate object. Remember the writing task, you woke up one day and were transformed into an object. Describe a day from the PERSPECTIVE of the object. Focus on a few key things that happen during the day to the object and describe them in detail using strong word choice. Use the literary devices we have discussed.... similes, alliteration, onomatopoeia, puns. Vary the sentence length and types of sentences. How will you grab the reader's attention at the beginning? What are you going to use as a hook?

The Easter story from the gospel on Sunday is one of my favourites. The conversation between Peter and Jesus is beautiful. What was Jesus asking Peter when he said, "Feed my sheep?" Why did Jesus ask Peter three times if he loved him?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3hMWqazP5Y  (fast forward to 7:48)

The question on travelling time versus time on the train was a interesting one. Try this one:
Mike and Talan were planning a trip to Chicago to watch the Blackhawks play in the first round of the play-offs.
                                                        Departure                Arrival
London to Sarnia (Port Huron)              08:45:00              10:08:00
Sarnia (Port Huron) to Chicago             12:37:00              18:53:00

How long did they travel?
How long were they on the train?
If it takes 30 minutes to get to the United Center from the train station, did they make it on time for a 7:30 game start?

Today we prayed the Divine Mercy Rosary. Explain to your parent the meaning of the colours in the picture below. What do they represent?

Did the balloon behave the way you thought it would? Why did the balloon inflate? What happens when air particles are heated? Make sure you communicate clearly in your diagrams the difference in the particles of room temperature air and heated air.
Tomorrow we will review a few key ideas. If you didn't read and view the posts from yesterday, please review them before tomorrow.