Friday 1 April 2016

Minions were everywhere today. Great job creating your own personal minion. The resemblance between you and your minion is startling! 

Today we discussed the relationship between length, width and perimeter. For example if we increase the width of a rectangle by 6 cm, how does the perimeter change? If we double both the length and the width of a rectangle, how does the perimeter change? If you know the length and the perimeter, how do you find the width?


  • A rectangle has a width of 4 m and a perimeter of 20 m, what is the length?
  • A square has a perimeter of 36 cm, what is the length of each side?
  • A rectangle has a length of 16 cm and a width of 10 cm. What happens when you increase the width by 4 cm?
Units of Time
  • How many years in a decade? century? millennium?
  • How man decades in a century?
  • How many decades in a millennium?
  • How many centuries in a millennium?
Please practice changing units with decimals. Do you see the pattern? How is the position of the decimal changing?

1 cm = 0.1 dm = 0.01 m
10 cm = 1 dm = 0.1 m
100 cm = 10 dm = 1 m

1 m = 0.001 km
10 m = 0.01 km
100 m = 0.1 km
1000 m = 1 km

25 cm = ___ m             58 cm = ____ m        500 m = _______ km

Grade 4 practice:

Grade 5 practice:

Please work on your comic and science diagram showing the changes of state.