Today we discussed the different types of humour Mordecai Richler uses in Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang. Do you remember the definition (meaning) of each word? Can you find an example from the novel?
If you log into your e-mail at school and upload your menu using Office 365, you can work on your menu at home.
Addition and Subtraction test is tomorrow. I have stapled all review sheets and the study guide together. To make sure you are prepared for the test tomorrow, complete the review sheets given today and pay close attention to questions you did incorrectly.
Some very unique and creative insulating devices were constructed today. Make sure you are able to explain why you chose the material on your device and the reason you arranged the material in a particular order. The winner of the challenge will be announced tomorrow.
In preparation for our meet on Friday, the gymnastics team will be presenting their routines to the school tomorrow (Wednesday) @ 1:00 pm.
We are still one parent short for tubing this Thursday. If you are able to help supervise, please let me know as soon as possible.