Healthy Living posters are complete.
13 students have submitted and printed off their Religion comic, The Man from Ethiopia. The link to the scripture is below:
The assignment was to create a comic based on the story. Part of the assessment is knowing how to choose key events and present them in a comic format. I cannot keep telling you what to put in each frame. It's up to you to plan and submit your comic. I will give you feedback if you submit it before tomorrow morning. Comics will be printed off tomorrow. No extra time will be given.
Lots of fun Racing to 150, Crossing the River (some budding nature guides) and estimating sums and differences.
Please continue working on Lexia each evening. Our license expires at the end of the month. Congratulations to Ava and Emma who have finished the program.Physical Education
We will try snowshoeing tomorrow first thing in the morning, so dress warmly!
- Red, white and pink day tomorrow (no charge)
- Valentines (look at the post from Tuesday for a list of students in the class)