I wonder who left Jacob the chocolate bar? Who do you think his friend is in the Children's Prison?
Today you should have written five different sentences using some very descriptive words from chapters 5 and 6. Make sure you have a variety of sentence types (simple, compound and complex) AND you have used your Book of Lists to jazz up your sentences.
Unfortunately two people were away today so group 2 could not perform their courtroom scene. Hopefully all cast members will be present tomorrow.
Don't forget to continue working on Lexia each evening!
Making change was difficult for many students today.
Note to parents:
Please practice with the use of a flyer and REAL currency, finding the total cost and change. The strategy that we used today was adding up.
Watch the video to review the strategy:
37 + __ = 100
29 + __ = 100
This will help tremendously when we are working with money.
Today we began our investigations involving mass and volume (capacity). There was a bit of confusion between capacity and volume. Volume is how much space an object occupies. Capacity is the amount of liquid an object can hold. The connection between capacity and volume units:
1 mL = 1 cm3