Do you remember the literary device we discussed today? Some very creative alliterative names!
Poor Jacob. No supersonic bleeper to rescue him from the Children's Prison. Will the suffering never end for our misunderstood main character?
Still waiting for a few Skills Bank. Please use the review sheet to study for the test next week. This sheet must be signed by a parent.
PRACTICE your mental math strategies. You must know your addition facts to 20 and pair of numbers that make 100. You need to think and stop counting on your fingers.
The Nelson website has extra practice and the Chapter Review is good practice.
What was the message in Jesus' parable of the fig tree?
Who does the tree represent?
What do the figs represent?
What do the fertilizer represent?
What does the tilled soil represent?
What were the factors we consider when buying running shoes?
What did your group decide for the most important factor?
How could you conduct a fair test for this factor?
What are all the variables that must be controlled?
Research different running shoe materials. What makes some more durable than others?
We still require one more parent to help supervise tubing on Thursday, March 3rd. If you are available and have a police check, please let me know.