Tuesday 26 January 2016

Today we talked about a martyr. Do you remember his name? What happened to him? Share with a parent the story we discussed today. If you forget, there is some information in the clip below:


Everyone did a great job measuring the interior angles of polygons. Do you remember the definition of a regular polygon?

Questions to think about....

  • Is a square a rhombus?
  • Is a square a rectangle?
Some wonderful character voices were used today and yesterday during our Drama Circles. Remember when you speak in character it should not sound like your every day voice.

We continued working on Lexia today. Thank you all students who are working on this wonderful reading program at home. The post below outlines the instructions for logging onto the site. Many students downloaded the app and used an I Pad. 

Our class trip is tomorrow. Please be on time as we will be leaving shorting after announcements.