Thursday, 7 January 2016

Great job working with your group reading and asking and answering questions. Thank you to all student you prepared questions and practiced reading. This made the activity run much more smoothly. Everyone worked diligently to complete their reading test. 

While sharing solutions to group problems I noticed the following a few common mistakes. Remember:

  • Label vertical and horizontal axes of graphs. Important words in a title need capital letters.
  • To find the median, mode and range of data, you must write the numbers IN ORDER.
  • Writing numbers in order also helps when constructing stem and leaf plots.
  • What do the height of the bars mean on a bar graph? 
  • Make sure you understand what the data means.


Many students have not finished their animal power point. You should be staying in at recesses to complete it.
Grade four must use the computer to construct a double bar graph and one other kind of graph (e.g. line, circle, pictograph).
Grade five must use the computer to construct a double bar, line and circle graph.

Today we looked at our two days of eating and evaluated our diet, exercise and sleep habits. It's not enough to just say a food is healthy. You must have evidence to support your opinion. What type of nutrients does a food provide and what are the benefits? What do you need to eat more of? Less of? Why?