Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Some revisions and re-drafting of rock stories today. Most of you completed your revisions in class and are ready to publish your second piece of writing. Some of you are still having a tough time ORGANIZING YOUR WRITING INTO THREE PARAGRAPHS. You INDENT (leave two finger spaces) when beginning a paragraph. All other sentences start at margin and continue to the end of the line. Look in any chapter book and you'll see what your writing should look like. Below is the success criteria for the rock story:
Paragraph 1:
  • I have described where my rock lives (areas and others)
  • I have described the physical appearance of my rock.
  • I have included how my rock feels.
Paragraph 2:
  • I have described how I found my rock.
  • I have included how my rock felt about being found.
 Paragraph 3:
  • I have described my rock in the classroom.
  • I have included how my rock felt about being painted an displayed in class.
Remember to tell the story from the perspective of your rock. Use the examples in the textbook as a guide.

Last day of patterning. We will be doing a gallery walk of our group problems.

Grade 4 will have two more assessment questions to complete this week. One similar to the one you did today (Thursday). The other will be like one from the review sheets (Friday).

Grade 5 will have two more assessment questions to complete this week. One similar to the one you did today with your group (Thursday). The other will be like one from the review sheets (Friday).

Review sheet corrections will be done tomorrow.

Today we prayed the glorious mysteries. Do you remember the glorious mysteries?

Growth Mindset
What do you remember about how the brain works? Watch this video...
A little more scientific....
Get ready to do your exit ticket for bell work tomorrow.

Social Studies
We're getting ready for the upcoming election. Please complete all sentences with the pictures. Remember, a sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. All proper names need capital letters.
Watch the video on the electoral system:
You should understand the meaning of the word riding, candidate, constituents, votes, elected, member of parliament, prime minister, seat, majority, minority, government.